Apr 16, 2021
In the fifth installment of our Kentucky Route Zero miniseries, we broadcast our thoughts on the Un Pueblo De Nada interlude, before prowling our way through Act V and our closing thoughts on the game.
Show notes:
Clara Rockmore - The Art of the Theramin
Brian Rotman: Signifying Nothing - The Semiotics of Zero
Jenny Odell - How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy
How to unlock the bonus interlude
Noah Caldwell-Gervais - Notes From Along Kentucky Route Zero
Robert Frost - The Death of a Hired Man
Haruki Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Can't Tell Me Nothing with Zach Galifianakis HQ
Walt Whitman - Song of Myself, Verse 52
Metal Gear Solid 3, I Love You With All My Heart
Jordan Youngblood “Is Metal Gear’s Rectum a Digital Grave?: Queer Trauma and Failure in the Metal Gear Solid Series.” Panel on Queer Failure. Queerness and Games Conference. University of Berkeley. 24-26 October 2013